For more than twenty years we have been producing band saw blades for wood and metal cutting, tools, devices and machines. We are the leading Bulgarian producer of band saw blades for wood, devices and machines for their maintenance.

For more than twenty years we have been producing band saw blades for wood and metal cutting, tools, devices and machines. We are the leading Bulgarian producer of band saw blades for wood, devices and machines for their maintenance. We offer a big variety of services related to use and maintenance of band saw blades for wood and metal, circular saw blades, smoothing planer knives. All goods and services offered by TEHNOLES Ltd. are of high quality and at a reasonable price.A guarantee for this is a Quality Management System according to ISO 9001:2008 introduced and maintained by the company.Our customers enjoy both loyalty and high quality products.Our trade activity in Bulgaria is realized by a large distribution network.


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Въпреки ,че е българска ,а ние сме свикнали да се подценяваме Технолес е една фирма, която произвежда много качествена банцигова лента. Не случайно станаха лидери.Предлагат и голям асортимент от услуги свързани с използването и поддръжката на ленти за рязане на дърво и метал, циркулярни триони, абрихт-ножове. Качеството определено е на ниво , а държат разумни и достъпни цени.

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