Door Casings Manufacturing - Interior and glass doors. Luxury Casings for doors and windows. Glass partitions. Raised in isolation. Decorations for the home. Door handles. Interior solutions.

Design and reconstruction of residential and public buildiings. Building of aesthetically and environmentally friendly interior space.

SWEGO company has been specializing in the sphere of drywall construction and interior design, offering all that is needed for the furnishing of residential, public and industrial buildings. It was registered in the year 1992. Based upon the many years of experience and employing highly-qualified specialists the company has established itself as one of the market leaders in its sphere. The primary aim in the work of SWEGO company is to ensure a quality performance of its contracts, done in time, as well as the high quality of the materials put into

The company works with European producers and uses in its projects only high-quality certified products. We produce glass partition walls and doors according client's project. SWEGO 99 imports handles for doors, hingies, locks, sliding machanism from leadings Italian produsers: OLIVARI, SALICE PAOLO, COMIT, MANDELLI, ERRETI, KOBLENZ, AGB.


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