Golden Pages - company site in Bulgaria

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fFirst online supermarket in Bulgaria in Sofia and Varna. Deliveries throughout the country. Delivery in 3 hours. Free Delivery for Varna and Sofia above 40 leva. Everything in one place.

The first online supermarket in Bulgaria with Free Delivery above 40 leva in THREE hours in Sofia and  Varna
Everything in one place. Right to your doorstep. Guaranteed. Period!
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Milk, cheese, yellow cheese Coffee, tea, cacao Honey, sugar, creams and cups
Frozen pork, veal, chicken, fish Sausages, delicacies, game
Chocolates, sweets, biscuits
Bio and diabetic products
Spices and sauces
Detergents and cleaning preparations
Frozen foods
Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
Cosmetics Auto Accessories
Animal Foods
Everything for your office, household, holiday Office supplies
Napkins, toilet paper, adhesives
For the barbecue and garden
Gifts Gift baskets


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