Sodexo Bulgaria is part of Sodexo Group, the world's largest Quality of Life service company. The company is present in Bulgaria since 2003, and is among the first to acquire license for food voucher operator.

Sodexo consultants are experts in the management of social benefits and rewards services in the development and implementation of motivational programs for their customers. They reach out to clients by helping them:

  • Optimize administrative and HR costs
  • Manage employee benefits
  • Motivate and retain employees
  • Become an employer of choice
  • Improve the image of your company 



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Дора Драгиева 08 Feb 2011 15:55

Никакви оплаквания и изключително добро и професионално отношение към клиента!

жозеф жибауи 12 Jan 2011 08:33

Отлична магазинна мрежа в цялата страна

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