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Union of the Funeral Companies in Bulgaria

The Union was founded as a natural and voluntary association of entrepreneurs in this specific field of business to protect the interests of its members and to put an end to the state and municipal monopoly in the branch.

The Union was founded as a natural and voluntary association of entrepreneurs in this specific field of business to protect the interests of its members and to put an end to the state and municipal monopoly in the branch. The ambition of U.F.C.B. is to provide assistance in solving particular issues in the sphere of funeral services as a whole and specific for each member of the Union. Today the objectives of the Union are as follows:

  • To establish the Union as the only branch organization in the specific funeral business
  • To place private and municipal companies on an equal bases
  • To protect the rights and interests of its members
  • To protect the interests of funeral services customers
  • To provide professional training in funeral services


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Никола Марков 19 Aug 2015 21:19

Членуваме в Съюза на погребалните фирми от две години. За това време сме получили изключително коректно отношение. Интересите ни са защитени и получаваме всякаква подкрепа като траурна агенция.

Цанка Гълъбова 25 Feb 2014 11:33

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