Metal tiles, seamless gutters, profiles produced by a German steel 0.5 mm, homogeneous in chemical composition and mechanical properties, covered with a layer of zinc, 275 g.sq.m. poyester coverage, protection from atmospheric effects more of 50e.

ROOF COMPANY Ltd. is the market leader for metal tiles in Bulgaria and more than nine years successfully compete with companies offering roofing materials.
We offer the most promising current roofing materials. The technology that we offer for this type of roof was founded in Finland 50 years ago and has received wide spread there and in most countries in Evropa.Do today we have gained experience in this field, estimated from our customers and partners. We employ highly qualified professionals - engineers and installers, ensuring the quality of the service.

Why choose metal tiles?

1. Light weight - 4.5 kg/m2, compared with traditional tiles, weighing about 50 kg/m2 - here a lighter undercarriage. Therefore, in exercise of metal shingles can reduce the cost of materials for load-bearing structure of the roof.
2. Resistance to violent changes in weather as high winds, snow storms, severe summer heat, hail and hurricanes.
3. Long service life of metal tiles without maintenance - over 50 years.
4. Quick and dry installation is not weather dependent, since the installation of metal roof tiles will wet processes.
5. Very nice appearance.
6. Practical repair of old buildings without structural change.
7. Possible combination of one color and material - tiles, gutters (drainage system), sheathing, snegozadarzhashti systems, etc. This presents an additional opportunity to bring personality and style of your home, using metal tiles.
8. Not a high price to be restored to the durability of metal tiles (without support).
9. Resistance to fire - metal roof tiles do not burn, ie they are the most fire.


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Божидар Цеков 03 Aug 2015 18:02

На мен в началото метални керемиди ми звучеше малко странно и имах преубеждения обаче един приятел ми препоръча тая фирма. Хората ми обясниха много подробно какво що какви предимства имат. И не съжалявам въобще че сложихме метални керемиди и безшевни улуци. Леки са не натоварват конструкцията излишно издържат на лошо време и много добре изглеждат. Даже не ми излезе и скъпо. Голяма работа са тия керемиди.

Стоян Михайлов 28 Nov 2013 12:05


Страхотна фирма,уникални продукти най-вече като качество са страхотни.

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