Carry out treatment against all types of pests-cockroaches, fleas, wasps, snakes, rats, mice and others. Visit at convenient time for you apartments, houses, offices. Preparation of subscription programs for pubs, restaurants etc. Guarantees and nice

Prevent Pest Control Ltd. is specialized in pest control in homes, offices, administrative and industrial buildings, outdoor green space. Our qualified teams working out against all pests- cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, ticks, mosquitoes, flies, snakes, rodents, etc.. We offer subscription programs with a contract for restaurants, factories, administrations with favorable pricing conditions and full guarantees for efficiency and quality of the activities.

We give You warranties, because we are effective!

Rely on our professionalism and we will solve your problems!

Best Regards -

Team Prevent Pest Control



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Фирмата се справи с хлебарките в къщи. Няколко други фирми и мнгократни опити сама да реша проблема нямаха успех. Благодарна съм на Превент.

Иван Димитров 17 May 2010 15:47

Ползвал съм услугите на фирмата, решиха проблемите ми с хлебарките.Доволен съм от качеството и нивото на обслужването им. п.с. С Дезинфектора си говорехме за класическа музика и фотография. :)

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