Synonym for elegance, fine, clean design and smooth quality, Prevail shirts make you feel the comfort and perfection of a pure fabrics. We use 100% cotton for our stylish production. Prevail shirts can be found in our shops in Sofia and Plovdiv.


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Ask your current clients to write a review about you if you want to acquire new clients for MEN AND WOMEN SHIRTS PREVAIL - CORRECT 2000! According the last Global online research done by Nielsen of over 25 000 users in more than 50 countries, 70 percent of the users trust recommendations published in internet and make their decision about buying products and services based on this.

Продаваме в магазина ни техните мъжки ризи и мога да кажа че са много добри като качество на платовете и изработка, десени и модели. Търсят се, клиентите ги купуват много а и като цена са много добри. Хубаво е да има повече такова качествено българско производство.

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