Nominal is specialized in outsource services in the field of accounting and tax consulting. We provides bookkeeping, payroll processing, VAT services, accounts preparation, completion of tax returns, company secretarial and registration services.

Nominal Ltd - Bulgaria, Burgas is an accounting company, specialized in outsource services in the field of accounting and tax consulting.

Nominal Ltd provides bookkeeping, payroll processing, VAT services, accounts preparation, completion of tax returns, company secretarial and company registration services.

We offer high quality express accountancy services for individuals and companies from all over the world in every district in Bulgaria.


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Таня Георгиева 16 Jun 2015 21:01


Работим с фирма Номинал от една година. Водят ни счетоводното обслужване. С тях се работи много добре, много са коректни и си разбират от работата. Вместо да се занимаваме с досадни сметки, можем да си развиваме бизнеса спокойно.

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