Minchev Consulting Group

Minchev Consulting Group provides professional accounting and related services to domestic and foreign companies and individuals. We can proudly say that Minchev Consulting Group is a symbol of high quality and professionalism.

  Minchev Consulting Group provides professional bookkeeping and related services to domestic and foreign companies and individuals. Our company offers strictly individual approach towards each client, following the corporate culture spirit and high level of business ethics. Our corporate policy is based on quality and efficiency in full compliance with the national and international accounting and tax regulations.

    Our attitude towards our work with clients is like working with our colleagues. We aim to achieve a strong mutual business relation with our clients and to help them afford success by responding to their needs and keeping confidentiality at all times. We can proudly say that

Minchev Consulting Group is a symbol of high quality, professionalism, independence and ethics to clients, the professional society and government institutions. For more information, please visit our web site minchevconsult.com/en


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Alexander Bakker 15 Dec 2019 18:53

Trusted Partners

We have been working with them since 2017. The company is a trusted partner. I really recommend it!

John Lewis 13 Sep 2016 21:59

professional attitude

I would like to share my experience with that company. If you are looking for quality services, confidentiality and professional attitude - you are in the right place! Thank you guys!

Ивана Гаджева 06 Jul 2015 17:27

Доволна съм

Искам да препоръчам счетоводните услуги на Минчев консулт. Те водят счетоводното обслужване на нашата фирма и досега не сме имали никакви оплаквания. Големи професионалисти са.

Мария Иванова 20 May 2015 13:19

Супер обслужване

Здравейте! Искам да изкажа благодарността си към екипа на цялата фирма за всеотдайността и професионализма. Без да се замисля и за миг препоръчвам услугите ви!

Свилен Атанасов 08 Dec 2014 18:24

Доволен Клиент

Работя с Минчев Консултинг Груп от създаването на моята фирма. Благодарен съм за професионализма и коректността, която откривам в съвместната ни работа.

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