We offer a full range of accounting and payroll services, tax and financial advice, preparation of interim and annual financial statements, publication of annual financial statements in the Commercial Register, prepare financial and economic analyzes

Mariyka Angelova is a company that provides:

  • VAT registration and preparation of monthly WAT tax returns;
  • Preparation of documents for loan and lease;
  • Interim and annual financial statements;
  • Preparation of annual Tax Declaration;
  • Representation before Tax Authorities and NRA institute;
  • Publication of annual financial statements in The Business Register.


Burgas, Slavejkov, bl. 154, office 4
phone: 056 816931; mobile phone: 0888454195


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Тинка Колева 17 Jul 2015 18:56

От доста време работиме с г-жа Ангелова тя ни е счетоводителка. Предлага пълно счетоводно обслужване, изготвяне на счетоводни отчети и консултаций. На ясно е с материята и всичко прави много профисионално.Доволни сме много от нейните услуги.

Иван Георгиев 10 May 2014 14:03


Препоръчва счетоводна фирма МАРИЙКА АНГЕЛОВА.Компететно счетоводно обслужване на фирмата.

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