Construction company MAI GROUP deals with public and industrial construction, facility construction of steel structures, complete engineering in the field of heavy and light industry, sports and more.

 We specialize in industrial, residential and public building construction. Besides, a part of our activity includes metal structure building finishing and overall light and heavy industry civil engineering, sports facilities engineering, etc.

MAI-GROUP Co. manufactures, delivers and fits the following:

  • Metal production halls / columns, beams, rigels, etc.
  • Facilities, power poles and electric substations elements
  • Metal road safety railings and road facilities
  • Advertising panels and billboards
  • Emergency stairs and escape staircases
  • Market and bazaar stalls
  • Metal doors and windows/li]
  • Other non-standard metal products
  • Aluminum and PVC window framing
  • Interior and armored doors
  • Office furnishing
  • Metal production halls / columns, beams, rigels


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Калин Яначков 12 Jun 2015 15:16

Това е строителна компания с опит и добри специалисти. Когато сме работили заедно, съм оставал с много добри впечатления. Вършат си работата отлично. Препоръчвам ги за всякакви дейности в областта на строителството.

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