The wide range of applications for industrial gases in various industries, medicine, environmental protection, research and development ranks Linde Gas Bulgaria among the leading companies in this industry.

With over 20 distribution centers operating nationwide, there's bound to be a location near you. To find your nearest depot click on the link below

The company has office in Sofia and its own production facilities in Stara Zagora and Rousse.

Since the end of 2007 Linde Gas Bulgaria has its own ASU plant in Stara Zagora for producing liquid gases - oxygen, nitrogen and argon. Until then – the imported industrial gases are already fourth year produced in Bulgaria and reliably meet the needs of customers in the country.

Except the supplied cylinder gases and liquid phase, Linde Gas Bulgaria is specialized in the supply, installation and maintenance of necessary equipment, pressure vessels, construction of gas plants, power systems, service and testing.

Well-developed sales network of Linde Gas Bulgaria in all major cities of the country is a guarantee of quality and speed in customer service .


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Иван Георгиев 19 Nov 2015 11:49

От години съм в бизнеса с газови инсталации и ползвам услугите на Линде Газ България. Екипът им се грижи основно за поддръжката на нашите инсталации, но ги използвам и като доставчик. Всичко при тях е професионално и на ниво, рядко срещано на БГ пазара. Надявам се все така да продължава безпроблемното ни пратньорство!

Антони Ганчев 17 Jul 2015 14:30

Линде газ и фирма с опит и традиции в предлагането на технически газове на пазара.Аз купувам от тях въглероден двуокис и азот за хранително-вкусовата промишленост. Не бих ги сменил с друг доставчик, много са изрядни и точни.

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