Laser Cutting of all types of metal. Prefabrication of advertising and industry parts. Laser marking.

Laser D OOD was established in Varna, in the beginning of 2001, and specializes in the field of laser and water cutting.

Our firm offers a range of services that belong to the following main branches of activity:

  • Advertising: Production of various kinds of advertising media, among which: pins, key-holders, plaques, medals, metal signs and other finished products, made of metal, wood and plastic. In the field of outdoor advertising we can offer you 3D metal letters and 3D signs (including lighted ones). If you are in the hotel business, we can offer you: electronic key cards, door signs, direction signs (including lighted ones), room numbers, stand-off signs and other products all in strict compliance with your requirements.
  • Industrial Production: We can produce parts or finished products in compliance with the specifications provided by our clients.


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Петър Цолов 17 Jul 2015 14:03

Фирмени рекламни сувенири сме поръчвали при тях. Добри са, качествено работят и си спазват сроковете. Ако се наложи, пак при тях ще отидем. Нямаме никакви забележки.

Ангелова 24 Jun 2010 16:59

Изключително точни и коректни.Големи профисионалисти.

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