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Kardo Design offers beautiful, comfortable and functional furniture, tailored to your tastes and preferences.Visit our showroom and get professional advice for your interior.

 Kardo Design offers beautiful, comfortable and functional furniture, tailored to your tastes and preferences.
Visit our furniture showroom and get professional advice for your interior.


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Ask your current clients to write a review about you if you want to acquire new clients for KARDO DESIGN! According the last Global online research done by Nielsen of over 25 000 users in more than 50 countries, 70 percent of the users trust recommendations published in internet and make their decision about buying products and services based on this.

Имаме кухня по поръчка, изработена от Кардо дизайн. Получи се страхотно, в рустик стил, направо като от списание. Много съм доволна от работата на тези момчета, големи майстори са. Не съм очаквала, че б България може да ми изработят кухня с такъв дизайн и качество.

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