Active Audit

Audit, accounting, tax and advisory services, insurances, legal services, company analysis, copy center. Our company has over 20 years experience in the fields of accounting and finance. Our company provides professionalism and quality you can trust.

Having an expert advisor as your partner you are not troubled by the crises and you can achieve everything. We offer you audit of financial statements, internal audit, accounting services, tax, legal and business advisory, insurances, company analysis, European projects, copy center and many other services in the financial sphere. Our company has over 20 years of experience and traditions in the fields of accounting and finance. We organize annual training seminars in accounting, taxation and social security topics. Our clients are one of the largest companies not only in the Blagoevgrad region but in the whole country. We carry out a wide range of accounting services for companies from all types of business sectors like non-government organizations, non-profit organizations, foundations etc. Managing partner in the company is the CPA Nadka Stoyanova – registered auditor with diploma No 0143/1992. You can rely on the quality and professionalism we offer at attractive prices.


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Г-жа Надка Стоянова и нейния екип са много добри професионалисти, които отговорно се отнасят към поетите ангажименти.Работя с тях от години и мога да кажа, че им имам пълно доверие в областта на счетоводството и данъчните консултации. Освен коректни са и много експедитивни.Желая им много доволни клиенти!

Здравейте, дипломирах се преди месец с магистърска програма"Счетоводство и контрол", средно образование - "Счетоводство и контрол" със сертификат Счетоводител. Търся си работа като помощник счетоводител. Ако имате нужда от такъв човек, моля да ми се обадите на този номер: 0884764433. Предварително Ви благодаря!!!

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