Translation and localization of all kinds of documents. Low rates and excellent quality! You will be served by a crew of experienced professionals. Translations via email.

This company is authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria to translate documents which have to be legalized. The company offers consultations with regard to the legalization procedure for documents originating from various offices and institutions in Bulgaria and, upon request, an employee of this company would do the necessary runs to all the pertinent offices to obtain for you the authentications which make the pertinent document legal for use abroad.

Our experience in this business is 20 years.

This company provides its' clients with a high quality translation service on the lowest rates on the market.

With this company you can order translation services in the following languages:

English, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Russian, Ukrainian, Czech, Polish, Slovakian, Slovenian, Serbian, Macedonian, Turkish, Arabian, Albanian, Persian, Greek, Romanian, Moldavian, Dutch, Ivrit and many others,


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Силвия Стоянова 02 Feb 2012 08:53

Доволна съм

Да, и аз съм ги ползвала. Обясниха ми всичко по заверките. Оправихме всичко много бързо. Доволна съм и пак ще ги ползвам! Питах и други агенции, но те ми дадоха най-дорите цени.

Иван Златанов 01 Apr 2010 13:11


Изключително съм доволен от начина на работа и професионалния подход на агенцията. Цените са реално ниски! Препоръчвам ги горещо!

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