Company Geosonda 90 LTD is official distributor of Hormann - Germany, leader in manufactor of doors for home and industry. The name Hormann is synonymous of Quality and Reability, Security for You, Your family and Your company

"Geosonda90" LTD is official distribur of "Hormann" - Germany, leader in manufactured of doors for home and industry. The name "Hormann" is synonymous of Quality and Reability, Security for You, Your family and Your company.

With the help os specialits trained by "Hormann", We will offer:

  • Professional advice to make the right choice
  • Professional installation
  • Reliable and fast service

Here you can find the entire product range of "Hormann"

  • Entrance doors and hoods
  • Interior doors
  • Multipurpose doors
  • Garage doors and automation
  • Industrial doors and solutions for cargo

From over 75 years "Hormann" works for your comfort. With help of many distributors in over 30 countries ensure customers shorter delivery time








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