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Fidelity Group Ltd. is a consulting firm that deals with the preparation and management of projects financed by the European Union, management of investment projects, preparation of financial and economic analysis and forecasting, strategic planning.

Since the establishment of "Fidelity Group" Ltd. and currently is carried out consultations, preparation, filing and completion of various projects under the "Phare" OP "Competitiveness", "Regional Development", "Human Resources", "Environment" "cross-border cooperation."

Activities that "Fidelity Group" Ltd. carries are divided into the following areas:

  • Project finance and investment: project development grant;
  • Management of investment projects: preparation of tender documents for supplies, services and construction, preparation of tenders, preparation of tenders, participation in tendering, representation of interests.
  • Financial - Economic Analysis and Forecasting: Preparation of financial analyzes and forecasts, economic analysis and forecasting.
  • The company has a wide range of experts in the areas of finance, accounting, law, surveying, plumbing and other specialists.


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Сияна Манолова 23 Jul 2015 12:51

Фирмата ми разработи и спечели проект по програма Регионално развитие благодарение на неоценимата помощ на ФИДЕЛИТИ ГРУП. Без техния професионализъм и компетентност нямаше да се справим. Невероятни експерти. Благодаря им, че ми помогнаха да отворя нова страница в живота си.

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