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Sales of airplane tickets. El AL, is not just an airline, it's Israel.

EL AL: Established in 1948 as the National Airlines of Israel, we have grown into a prestigious international carrier.

By attending to every aspect of service, and assuring that our passengers' needs are met on time, every time, EL AL is ranked by IATA as one of the world's three most efficient air carriers.

With its expanded global coverage, supported by an international network of 77 sales offices, EL AL offers incomparable Israeli hospitality, a friendly and personalized touch that makes time fly and makes EL AL more than just a convenient mode of travel.

With our unique combination of amenities and advantages, which cater to international tastes, making EL AL has become a preferred global gateway to every corner of the world.



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Маша Искрова 12 Aug 2015 12:12

EL AL е компания, с която летенето е приятно, сигурно и удобно. Останахме приятно изненадани от любезността, сърдечното израелско гостоприемство и доброто обслужване. Пътуването ни до Тел Авив беше комфортно, а едно от най-добрите впечатления, които ни останаха са от Израелските въздушни линии.

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