We, "Ecotex Sofia" are specialized in manufacturing of filters and technical textile products. We have gained large experience in import of equipment and consumables for filtration-related industries.

Our company is a major supplier of filters for dry and wet filtration in various fields like ferrous and non-ferrous industry, cement industry, lime production, pharmaceutical industry, timber processing industry, coal mining, gypsum production, white lead production, asphalt, battery plants, etc.

We supply filter elements for air conditioning systems of many large hotels, administrative and office buildings, banks, exhibition and concert halls, printing houses, etc.
We produce and offer for sale technical textile products for bakeries and mills.

For the years of its existence, the company has got well established on the market, and more than 200 undertakings in the country and abroad are our customers.

We have got a modern production facility with all necessary equipment enabling us to produce the items offered by us with a quality meeting all up-to-date requirements.
Highly qualified professionals are involved in our major production activity.


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