Nedev Ltd. is a main activity, wholesale and retail trade in building materials, hardware and own production of fence and gutters. Founded in 1993. Nedev Ltd. is one of the leaders in this sector and has proved to be a reliable partner.

 Nedev Ltd. offers a wide variety of quality products of following manufacturers Raider, Top master, Elmark, Boro, EuroMaster, Scheider Electric, TMT ELCOM, Devorex, Selt, Light Style, Naiden Kirov, Aura Lighting, TMF, 2R, Valerii S & M Group Corp., Elitsa M Motors, BulFlex, MATEV, Vidin - C - 04 AD, Arsis.


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Илия Илиев 10 Aug 2015 20:00

Доволен съм от фирма Недев.Наложи се да ремонтирам старата ни къща в едно асеновградско село. Избрах материалите и ги платих в Пловдив, доставиха ми ги експедитивно, без оскъпяване ,а собственото им производство на оградна мрежа е много качествено.

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