Real time GPS tracking,fuel monitoring, fuel filling/thefts records.Fuel and Maintenance cost optimization.Electronic diary of your cars and trucks.Cost effective flexible solution. Tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS)- online for each tire.

CAST Engineering Ltd. is an application-based engineering company providing flexible engineering solutions, cost-effective and proven programs and platforms.

Originally shaped as company system integrator, today the company has its projects in National Security, Aviation, Utility and Security areas.

CAST’s goal is to formulate and execute programs specifically designed for the individual requirements of the customer to support the maintenance of their industrial lines, equipment as well as to improve their operability and availability through the joint efforts of the operator’s personnel and the local staff and Partners team.


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Орлин Благоев 14 May 2015 15:39

Имам малка транспортна фирма. Сложил съм на всичките ни автомобили GPS и датчици за гориво от Каст инженеринг. Хем за улеснение на шофьорите хем за мое улеснение и предоотвратяване на злоупотреби. Контрола е много важен в тоя вид бизнес. Благодарение на тян значително снижихме преразхода на гориво.

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