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Balkan Biocert Ltd.

Balkan Biocert Ltd. started its activity in 2003 as the first organic certification company in Bulgaria and is the product of a five- year joint project between Bulgarian and Swiss organizations that was completed successfully at the end of 2007. The company is Bulgarian property of legal and natural persons. In the fall of 2005 because of increased interest in the certification services, the company opened subsidiary office in Skopje, Macedonia.

Balkan Biocert Ltd. offers control and certification of producers, processors and traders of organic agricultural products and foodstuffs. Certification is carried out according to the choice of the customers according to the national and European legislation on organic agriculture.

Together with our partners from Switzerland, Balkan Biocert offers certification according to the standards of the United States, Japan and private certification schemes. After the emergence of opportunities for EU funding under the Programme for Rural Development organic farming is attractive to many Bulgarian producers.

Balkan Biocert Ltd. has accreditation as a certification body accoding to 45011 (to be replaced by 17065) by the Bulgarian Accreditation Service and a work permit from the Ministry of Agriculture of Bulgaria. From February 2007 on, it is on the list of approved control bodies of the European Union with a code number BG-BIO-02.

The company has over ten years of experience and thanks to the competence, objectivity and loyalty to its clients and partners managed to establish itself as the market leader in organic certification services in Bulgaria and Macedonia.


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Манол Чолаков 03 Jun 2015 14:17

Експерти в областта на сертификация на селскостопански продукти. Имам ферма, занимавам се с биоземеделие и използвам услугите на Балкан биосерт. Тия хора си разбират от работата - и съвет да ти дадат, и консултация, всичко. Много са добри.

Иван Георгиев 10 May 2014 10:25


Препоръчвам услугите за сертификация на продукти на фирма БАЛКАН БИОСЕРТ.Професионално отношение и своевременна консултация!

Живка Тодорова 24 Apr 2014 09:57


Ползвала съм услугите на БАЛКАН БИОСЕРТ .Останах изключително доволна от тяхната компетеннтност.

Деница Ангелова 26 Jun 2013 17:59

Доволен клиент

Изключителен професионализъм и експертност.Решихме да започнем биопроизводство на зеленчуци.Обърнахме се към Балкан Биосерт за консултация,като млади зенеделци и те ни насочиха!

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