Aspekt - Lucky Onion Catering

Lucky Onion Catering organizes original and performs artistic representative events of any scale.

Lucky Onion Catering, Ruse develops the traditional off-site catering. We are a young, dynamic and optimistic company, which provides the required equipment and services to create temporary, pleasant environment at a place at your choice.

We know that the demands of the temporary place are much more than the demands of the constant one, but we rush in the contents, being convinced that we will make your event better than you expect! We may arrange our equipment in a sunshade, hangar and even in a jewelry shop! We will choose the style of service, which will guarantee the satisfaction of your guests' needs, and once we achieve that, we will add some magic to make the event special.

We offer complete organization and performance of your celebration:

• holiday parties and corporate events

• business catering

• garden parties

• official dinners and lunches

• wedding parties 

• proms and graduation balls

• service for seminars, conferences and business events

• professional catering equipment

• decoration and accessories, flowers, balloons and their arrangement

• lighting and audio-visual equipment

• music and sound and special effects

• selection of DJ depending on the style of your favourite music



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Ивана Троева 12 Aug 2015 12:28

Момичетата и момчетата от Lucky Onion Catering и Професионален Сватбен Екип 'Да и Да' са прекрасни. Оформлението на залата за тържеството на децата ни беше като от филм. Впечатлиха всичките ни гости със своя творчески усет, прекрасното аранжиране, изисканите ястия и майсторското им представяне.Желая им да са все така мили, усмихнати и лъчезарни!

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